Cassie Marie Edwards is an artist based in Oshkosh, WI. She holds a MFA from Northern Illinois University, and a BFA from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. She is currently an Instructor of Art at University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh. She has received multiple grants and awards for her work including the South Dakota Artist Project Grant, Faculty Research Grants and a South Dakota Artist’s Career Development Grant. Her work has been exhibited extensively both regionally and nationally. Cassie’s desire to collect figurines was recently rekindled and “led me to begin using them as subjects for this series of paintings. I was interested in playing with the boundaries between the genres of still life and portraiture, and high and low art. I am also interested in exploring the limits of representation. Making this work is like a visual telephone game – they are paintings of painted porcelain objects. The figurines I am most drawn to are strange, comical and sometimes slightly discomforting.” -Cassie Marie Edwards